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حساب مقدار القوى الناتجة عن الزحف والانكماش للجسر Creep and Shrinkage in bridge design


 حساب مقدار القوى الناتجة عن الزحف والانكماش للجسر

Understanding Creep and Shrinkage in bridge design

خلاصة حساب الزحف والانكماش Creep and Shrinkage


4.4 Bearing Pad Design

4.4.1 Abutment (Exp.) Bearing Pad Design  page 36

من التحليل نحصل على أربع قيم لكل مجاز

Beam shortening (PL/AE)

Concrete shrinkage loss, final

Concrete creep loss, final

Initial total prestress loss

منها نحسب الاستطالة لكل مجاز هكذا

Δspan_1= Beam shortening (Concrete shrinkage loss, final  +  Concrete creep loss, final) / Initial total prestress loss

نجمع استطالات المجازين

ΔCr Sh= Δspan_1 + Δspan_2

قلنا من التحليل نحصل على أربع قيم لكل مجاز كيف؟

  من هذا المثال PrecastBeamExample-1.pdf

      وهذا مثال FlatSlabExample.pdf



عندنا ثلاثة مجازات , استطالة المجازات الطرفية تحمل من قبل الركائز الطرفية

تبقى لدينا استطالة المجاز الوسطي فقط تحمل بواسطة الركيزتين الوسطيتين

أي ان كل ركيزة ستحمل نصف إزاحة المجاز الوسطي المحسوبة أعلاه

As calculated above Δspan_2=  0.385in.

ΔLCR&SH =  Δspan_2 / 2 = 0.385in / 2 = 0.1925 in




Alaska Bridges and Structures Manual September 2017



11. Structural Systems and Dimensions

11.4. General Design Considerations

11.4.7. Foundation Considerations

Settlement Limits

Experience demonstrates that bridges can

accommodate more settlement than traditionally

allowed in design due to creep, relaxation, and

redistribution of force effects. LRFD Article mandates that settlement criteria be

developed consistent with the function and type of

structure, anticipated service life, and consequences

of unanticipated movements on service performance.


12. Loads and Load Factors

12.3. Transient Loads

12.3.1. General

The LRFD Specifications recognize 19 transient loads,

which integrate static water pressure, stream pressure,

buoyancy, and wave action as water load, WA. The

LRFD Specifications elevate creep, settlement,

shrinkage, and temperature (CR, SE, SH, TU, and TG)

in importance to “loads,” being superimposed

deformations which, if restrained, will result in force

effects. For example, restrained strains due to

increasing uniform temperature induce compression



14. Structural Concrete page 139

14.4. Prestressed Concrete Girders

14.4.1. General

The generic word “prestressing” relates to a method of

construction in which a steel element is tensioned and

anchored to the concrete. Upon release of the

tensioning force, the concrete will largely be in

residual compression and the steel in residual tension.

There are three methods of applying the prestressing

force, as discussed below. Only two of these

methods, pretensioning and post-tensioning, are

acceptable, and a combination of these two methods is

acceptable if approved by the Chief Bridge Engineer.

Pretensioning: In the pretensioning method,

tensioning of the steel strands is complete before

placing the concrete. When the concrete surrounding

the steel strands attains a specified minimum strength,

the strands are released thereby transmitting the

prestressing force to the concrete by bond-and-wedge

action at the girder ends. The initial prestress is

immediately reduced due to the elastic shortening of

the concrete. Further losses will occur over time due

to shrinkage and creep of concrete and relaxation of

prestressing steel.

The generic word “prestress” is often used to mean

“pretensioning” as opposed to “post-tensioning.”

Post-Tensioning: In the post-tensioning method,

tensioning of the steel is accomplished after the

concrete has attained a specified minimum strength.

The tendons, usually comprised of numerous strands,

are loaded into ducts cast into the concrete. After

stressing the tendons to the specified prestressing

level, they are anchored to the concrete and the jacks

are released.

Several post-tensioning systems and anchorages are

used in the United States; the best information may be

directly obtained from the manufacturers.

Post-tensioned concrete is also subject to losses from

shrinkage and creep, although at a reduced magnitude

because a significant portion of shrinkage usually

occurs by the time of stressing, and the rate of creep

decreases with the age at which the prestress is

applied. After anchoring the tendons, the ducts are

pressure filled with grout, which protects the tendons

against corrosion and provides composite action by

bonding the strand and the girder. Post-tensioning can

be applied in phases to further increase the loadcarrying

capacity and better match the phased dead

loads being applied to the girder.


19. Expansion Joints and Bearings

19.1. Expansion Joints

Reference: LRFD Articles 14.4 and 14.5

19.1.2. Expansion Joint Selection and Design

Reference: LRFD Article

Table 19-2 presents the types of expansion joints used

by DOT&PF and their maximum joint movement.

Select the type of expansion joint and its required

movement rating based on the expansion and racking

demands, skew, gap widths, and whether the joint is

new or a retrofit.

Gap width is the perpendicular distance between the

faces of the joint at the road surface. Use a minimum

gap of not less than 1 inch for steel bridges. The gap

for concrete bridges may be less than 1 inch where

creep and shrinkage must be considered. Use a

maximum gap width of 4 inches for strip seals and 3

inches for individual components of modular joints.


19.2. Bearings page 242

19.2.1. General

Reference: LRFD Articles 14.4, 14.6, and 14.8


Bridge bearings accommodate superstructure

movements and transmit the loads to the substructure.

The consideration of movement is important for

bearing design, which includes both translations and

rotations. The sources of movement include initial

camber or curvature, construction loads,

misalignment, construction tolerances, settlement of

supports, thermal effects, creep, shrinkage, seismic,

and traffic loading.

19.2.2. Bearing Types

Steel-reinforced elastomeric bearings are typically the

first option for all new bridges. Bridges with large

movements resulting in excessive bearing pad heights

may require sliding surfaces.

In general, the bridge engineer should restrain vertical

displacements, allow rotations to occur as freely as

possible, and either accommodate or restrain

horizontal displacements. Distribute the loads among

the bearings in accordance with the superstructure


The bridge engineer may use sole plates for steel

girders to distribute the load uniformly.

Steel-Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings

These bearings are usually the preferred low-cost

option and require minimal maintenance.

Limit the height of steel-reinforced elastomeric

bearings to 6 inches. Provide elastomeric fixed

bearings with a horizontal restraint (typically, a row of

dowels connecting the diaphragm to the cap beam)

adequate for the full horizontal load.

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Sliding Surfaces

Reference: LRFD Article 14.7.2

Where horizontal movements result in steel-reinforced

elastomeric bearing pads exceeding the 6-inch height

limit, use a combination bearing. These bearings use

a steel-reinforced elastomeric pad to accommodate

rotation and a stainless steel plate/PTFE sliding

surface to provide translational capability. See

Appendix 19.A for a design procedure and example.

Seismic Isolation Bearings

There are various types of seismic isolation bearings,

most of which are proprietary. See the AASHTO

Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design and

the FHWA Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway

Structures: Part 1 – Bridges for detailed information.

Isolation bearings increase the fundamental period of

vibration of the bridge resulting in lower seismic

forces. Although this period shift lowers the seismic

forces, it increases the seismic displacements.

Isolation bearings also provide improved damping

characteristics to limit the seismic displacement


Consider cold climate behavior when selecting

seismic isolation bearings; the preference is to use

friction pendulum bearings. Friction pendulum

bearings are proprietary and require sole-source


Chapter 23 discusses the use of seismic isolation

bearings on bridge rehabilitation projects.

19.2.3. Design of Steel-Reinforced

Elastomeric Bearings

Reference: LRFD Articles 14.7.5

Steel-reinforced elastomeric bearings may become

excessively large if they are designed for loads greater

than approximately 650 kips. Although no limiting

maximum design load is specified, the maximum

practical load capacity of a steel-reinforced

elastomeric bearing pad is approximately 750 kips. If

the design loads exceed 650 kips, the bridge engineer

should check with manufacturers for availability.


Orient elastomeric pads and bearings so that the long

side is parallel to the principal axis of rotation.

Holes in Elastomer

Do not use holes in steel-reinforced elastomeric


Edge Distance

For elastomeric pads and bearings resting directly on a

concrete bridge seat, use 3 inches as the minimum

edge distance from the edge of the pad to the edge of

the concrete seat.


Use Grade 5, natural rubber for steel-reinforced

elastomeric bearings. Indicate the bearing loads and

elastomer grade in the contract documents.

Design Method

Use the Method B procedure in the LFRD

Specifications for the design of steel-reinforced

elastomeric bearings. Method B requires additional

acceptance testing.

The minimum elastomeric bearing length or width

shall be 6 inches. Provide a minimum of 0.25 inches

of cover at the edges of the steel shims. Use 100

percent of the total movement range previously

specified in Table 19-1 for the design of bearings.

This practice assumes that the bearing is installed at

the maximum or minimum design temperature.

DOT&PF practice increases the LRFD design value of

65 percent of the total movement as specified in

LRFD Article



design procedures for a three-span prestressed concrete girder bridge


4.4 Bearing Pad Design

Elastomeric bearing pads, plain or reinforced, are typically used on bridges in New Mexico. The LRFD Specifications give two design procedures for reinforced elastomeric pads in Sections 14.7.5 (Method B) and 14.7.6 (Method A). The stress limits associated with Method A usually result in a bearing with a lower capacity than a bearing designed using Method B. This increased capacity resulting from the use of Method B requires additional testing and quality control. The Department prefers to use Method A as it is a conservative design and requires less testing (See Chapter 7 of the Design Guide).

Assume that transverse movement at all bearings will be prevented by concrete keeper blocks or by other methods. In addition, the pier bearings are considered fixed in the longitudinal direction. Longitudinal movements are unrestrained at the expansion bearings. As discussed below, the Design Guide specifies temperature ranges to be used in calculating structure movements in New Mexico.

The design method presented in the LRFD Specifications differentiates between locations where shear deformations are permitted and where they are not. The fixed bearings are prevented from deforming in shear by the dowels or by other methods. At the expansion bearings, shear deformations will occur.




4.4.1 Abutment (Exp.) Bearing Pad Design  page 36


The (unfactored) forces can be obtained from the Service I shear and moment envelope in the program output. These same forces can be obtained using the method shown for live load on the following page. Bearing pad design is based on live load forces without the addition of an impact allowance.

RDL Self Wt. =  12.5 kips
RDL Deck. =  21.1 kips
RDL Diaphragm. =  0.1 kips
RDL Prec. DC = 3.1 kips
RDL Comp DC =  2.9 kips
RDL Comp DW =  2.5 kips
RDL Abut. Diaphragm & Wingwalls = 33.0 kips (Abutment diaphragm, approach slab, backwall, and wingwall dead load value is not computed by the design program. Engineer will need to compute.)

 RDL Total = 75.2 kips

Live loads are given in the program output per lane with no distribution factor and no

impact. These loads can be found from the Analysis screen as shown below. To find live

loads at the abutment, select Load Case from the Type pull down. Next, in the Span pull

down, select span 01. Finally, from the Cases pull down, select the maximum shear live

load (lane, truck, double truck, or permit) shear.

As shown in the above figure, Fy at Support 1 is 13.13 kips for the lane load. Adding this

to the truck load of 54.36 kips at the same support, we get a total of 67.5 kips. This is the

load per lane. The shear distribution factor for the beam we are designing is 0.879,

giving us the design live load for bearings shown below.

RLL Total = 67.5 kips/Lane x DFShear = 67.5 kips/Lane x 0.879 = 59.33 kips/Beam

Structure Movement

In the longitudinal direction, superstructure movement occurs due to the combined effects of temperature changes plus creep and shrinkage of the prestressed girders.

Temperature: see page 38


Shrinkage and Creep:

Movement due to shrinkage and creep can be found from time dependent losses in the program output. The values from the program output are consolidated in the following table.



Span 1

Span 2


Beam shortening (PL/AE)

0.077 in

0.455 in


Concrete shrinkage loss, final

10.88 ksi

10.87 ksi


Concrete creep loss, final

7.02 ksi

22.06 ksi


Initial total prestress loss

8.55 ksi

19.44 ksi



Δspan_1= Beam shortening (Concrete shrinkage loss, final  +  Concrete creep loss, final) / Initial total prestress loss

ΔCr Sh= Δspan_1 + Δspan_2

Because bearings at the piers are fixed, all of the movement from Span 1 and half of the movement of Span 2 is assumed to be taken up by the bearings at Abutment 1. Also, 50% of the total creep and shrinkage is assumed to occur before beam erection. Steel relaxation is neglected. Calculations for both spans are shown below. This approach is derived from the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, 1st edition with Addendum, 2010.

Alternatively, LRFD Specification Section could be used

ΔCR SH = 0.081in. 0.385in./ 2 = 0.27in.

The total superstructure movement due to temperature, shrinkage, and creep is then:

Δs = 0.38 + 0.27 = 0.65 in.

Where 0.38 is Temperature: see page 38

End of  4.4.1 Abutment (Exp.) Bearing Pad Design  page 36






As calculated above Δspan_2=  0.385in.

ΔLCR&SH =  Δspan_2 / 2 = 0.385in / 2 = 0.1925 in

هذا كان ما يخص الزحف والانكماش ونكمل موضوع الاحمال الحرارية كون الطول المشارك (المقدر 77.41 قدم) متعلق بالزحف والانكماش كما سنلاحظ ادناه

Temperature, creep, and shrinkage are the final loads that need to be entered. RC-PIER

contains individual load screens for each of these. However, for this example, we have

chosen to include the creep and shrinkage movement with the temperature by calculating

a contributing length that results in the same structural movement as the sum of the three.

Pier 1 & 2 bearings are fixed and each takes half the thermal, creep, and shrinkage

movement from Span 2. (Span 1 movement is taken up by the expansion bearing at the

abutment.) من هنا نأخذ نصف طول المجاز الوسطي نصف 88 يساوي 44

Change in temperature is specified as 80°F for concrete bridges in the Design Guide.

للتذكير هذه معادلة معامل الاستطالة بتأثير الحرارة نطبق عليها الشرطين أعلاه

Steel: ΔL = L×0.000078×ΔT

Concrete: ΔL = L×0.000072×ΔT

 ΔLTEMP = L(0.000072) ΔT= 44ft.(0.00072)(80 F) = 0.2534in.

 L=ΔL / (0.000072) ΔT = 0.2534in. 0.1925in. / (0.000072)80 F = 77.41ft



From Table 3.1B for “South of I-40”, structure movement is to be based on a temperature range from 10° F to 90° F from where Change in temperature = 90-10=80

The Auto Load Generation screen for Temperature Load is shown below. Once all

these values are entered, click Generate.


25.6.1 Modular Bridge Expansion Joints

Modular bridge expansion joints (MBEJ),

25.6.2 Design Example 3


Two cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete box-girder bridge frames meet at an intermediate pier where they are free to translate longitudinally. Skew angle is 0° and bridge deck ambient temperatures range from –15 to 50°C. A MBEJ will be installed 60 days after post-tensioning operations have been completed. Specified creep is 150% of elastic shortening. Assume that 50% of shrinkage has already occurred at installation time. The following longitudinal movements were calculated for each of the two frames:


Frame A

 Frame B


30 mm

15 mm

Elastic shortening

36 mm

20 mm

Creep (1.5 × elastic shortening)

 54 mm

30 mm

Temperature fall (20 to –15°C)

76 mm

38 mm

Temperature rise (20 to 50°C)

66 mm

33 mm


MBEJ size required to accommodate the total calculated movements and the installation gaps

measured face to face of edge beams, “Ginstall,” at 5, 20, and 30°C.

Solution page 14   


Elastomeric bearing overview

Shore A Durometer hardnesses of 60±5 are common, and they lead to shear modulus values in the range of 80 to 180 psi. (0.5 – 1.2 Mpa) The shear stiffness of the bearing is its most important property since it affects the forces transmitted between the superstructure and substructure. Some states use a slightly different common range than stated above. See S14.7.5.2 and S14.7.6.2 for material requirements of neoprene bearing pads.

Elastomer may be used as a plain pad (PEP) or may be reinforced with steel. Steel reinforced elastomeric bearings are composed of layers of elastomer and steel plates bonded together with adhesive.

Elastomers are flexible under shear and uniaxial deformation, but they are very stiff against volume changes. This feature makes the design of a bearing that is stiff in compression but flexible in shear possible. Under uniaxial compression, the flexible elastomer would shorten significantly and, to maintain constant volume, sustain large increases in its plan dimension, but the stiff steel layers of the steel reinforced elastomeric bearings restrain the lateral expansion.

Elastomers stiffen at low temperatures. The low temperature stiffening effect is very sensitive to the elastomer compound, and the increase in shear resistance can be controlled by selection of an elasotmer compound which is appropriate for the climatic conditions.

The design of a steel reinforced elastomeric bearing requires an appropriate balance of compressive, shear and rotational stiffnesses. The shape factor, taken as the plan area divided by the area of the perimeter free to bulge, affects the compressive and rotational stiffnesses, but it has no impact on the translational stiffness or deformation capacity.

The bearing must be designed to control the stress in the steel reinforcement and the strain in the elastomer. This is done by controlling the elastomer layer thickness and the shape factor of the bearing. Fatigue, stability, delamination, yield and rupture of the steel reinforcement, stiffness of the elastomer, and geometric constraints must all be satisfied.

1 psi = 6,894.76 pascals

مواضيع ذات صلة
